Finding used values of XML attributes using the command line

Daniel Rotter
6 min readMay 5, 2020

A few weeks ago I was working on a Sulu Pull Request to support filtering lists. We’ve already had a very similar feature before that, which was (and still is) configured in a XML file. Each defined filter had a type, also in the previous implementation. In order to refactor this, it would have been very helpful to know what the previously available type options were. The old filter implementation used to be defined something like this:


The interesting part here for me was the filter-type attribute on the property node. To get an overview I wanted to get a list of all values, that have been used for this attribute.

Since I am using neovim as an editor, I could not use any fancy IDE functionality for that. And to be totally honest, even back when I used PHPStorm, I only used “Search in path” with plain string values. I might be wrong, but I guess most people don’t use a lot of the stuff PHPStorm offers, which is also the reason I stopped using it. It almost feels like bloatware with a lot of stuff I never needed, and it is much slower than using e.g. neovim, which allows me to free resources for my important tasks. Apart from that I am not even sure PHPStorm would have been able to help me with the task at hand.

However, I didn’t have to check, because I didn’t want to use it anyway. So I decided to level up my CLI skills a bit. It turns out that this task can be solved with some pretty standard commands on the Linux CLI.

Note: If you want to follow along the upcoming commands, you can do so using this commit of Sulu.

First of all I needed to find all files configuring these lists I have mentioned before. Fortunately their location is the same within each of Sulu’s Bundles (something like plugins for the Symfony Framework). Therefore I was able to use the find command to list all of these files:

$ find src/Sulu/Bundle/*/Resources/config/lists/ -name "*.xml"

The first parameter of the find command lists all the folders that should be searched. The asterisk in there is a placeholder, which means this lists all the Resources/config/lists folders within every folder under src/Sulu/Bundle. Then the find command will return every file within this folder that matches the pattern passed via the -name argument. So the above command will return all XML files configuring the lists in Sulu.

But having this list of files is just the first step. Next I had to retrieve all the filter-type attributes being used in these lists including their values. Luckily the find command accepts a -exec argument, which takes a command and executes that command for every single file it receives. Everything starting from the -exec flag until a semicolon will be interpreted as the command that should be executed for every file. Within the command the string {} can be used to refer to the file that command is currently executed for. Mind that both the {} placeholder and the semicolon have to be passed as strings or need to be escaped, since your shell might interpret these characters in a different way otherwise

So to summarize the above paragraph in an example, this is what you would have to enter in your shell in order to output every file with a File: prefix:

$ find src/Sulu/Bundle/*/Resources/config/lists/\
-name "*.xml"\
-exec echo "File: {}" \;

Note: The \ at the end of line allows to split a command in several lines, so the above examples can be easily copied

Now that we have found a way to execute a command for multiple files we need to find the command we want to execute for them. For the purpose of finding a string within a text the grep command is a very popular choice. It executes a search using the passed regular expression on a file and prints all the lines highlighting the matches. So if we e.g. try to find all lines in the contacts.xml file containing a filter-type attribute with some value we could do something like this:

$ grep 'filter-type="[^"]*"' contacts.xml

The grep command takes a regular expression as the first argument. In this regular expression we are looking for the exact match filter-type=", followed by a arbitrary number of characters not being a quote (the square brackets defines a set of characters, whereby the ^ means everything except that character and the * stands for any number of them) being finished with another quote. The other argument is the name of the file we want to search in. If you execute this command you will realize that always the entire line containing the regex is printed, which makes it a little bit hard to further analyze that data, because every printed line looks a bit different. What I actually wanted was to get only the matched string without the rest of the line, because then I could apply even more commands to the result in an easy manner. Thankfully there is the -o option, which does exactly that: return only the part that actually matched and avoid printing the rest of the line:

$ grep -o 'filter-type="[^"]*"' contacts.xml

That returns all occurences of the regex, without the rest of the line, but only for a single file. So let’s combine that command with the find command from above:

find src/Sulu/Bundle/*/Resources/config/lists/\
-name "*.xml"\
-exec grep -o 'filter-type="[^"]*"' "{}" \;

Nice! Now a list where all entries have the form of filter-type="<filter-type-value>". That’s something we can continue to work with. The only problem is that the list is a little bit tedious to read, because it shows an entry for every occurence, whereby I only wanted to have a single line for every value. There is a command called uniq, which would remove all repeated lines. But only if they are following directly to each other, which is currently not the case. So by using the uniq command we would retrieve less lines, but there would still be some duplicates. So the data needs to be sorted before the uniq command is applied, which can be done by the sort command. Both of these commands support several different options, but I don’t care too much about the order of the result, so they are not really important.

In order to use the output of the find command as the input of the sort command the pipe operator (|) can be used. This allows the sort command to sort the output of the find command. Afterwards we can use the pipe operator to pass this sorted data to the uniq command, which will then omit the lines appearing multiple times.

find src/Sulu/Bundle/*/Resources/config/lists/\
-name "*.xml"\
-exec grep -o 'filter-type="[^"]*"' "{}" \;\
| sort\
| uniq

And that’s it! This command will show a list with all occurences of values appearing in the filter-type attribute a single time, no matter how many times the value occurs. With this helpful information I could make better decisions when continuing to refactor this functionality.

I think this is a kind of approach I want to try more often in the future. The command line is super comfortable to use once you’ve got the hang of it, and this knowledge can be easily applied in different situations, if you have understood the basics of the shell, e.g. the pipe operator.

PS: Maybe there are better tools available to do the job (could e.g. think about using XPath), but this approach can also be used with other file formats, that’s why I decided to dig a bit deeper here, and I would have had to investigate how to solve this with XPath as well.



Daniel Rotter

Studied and lecturing Computer Science at FH Vorarlberg, organizes @VlbgWebDev, works at @Sulu, programming in php, symfony, javascript.